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Сайт учителя английского языка Саяпиной Виктории Владимировны


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Внеклассное мероприятие "Английский марафон"

Тема мероприятия: Английский марафон

Тип урока: обобщающий

Форма проведения: викторина


1)       практическая: повторение пройденного учебного материала в неформальной обстановке при помощи игр и конкурсов;

2)       образовательная: формирование умения применять знания в новой нестандартной ситуации;

3)       развивающие: 1. Развитие навыков говорения и аудирования в процессе творческого общения учеников друг с другом и учителем.

     2. Развитие умения работать в команде и уважительно относиться друг к другу;    

4)       воспитательные: 1. Воспитание интереса учащихся в изучении английского языка.

2. Воспитание чувства дружбы, поддержки, взаимовыручки;

 Оснащение урока:

1.       Таблица результатов, размещённая на экране мультимедийного проектора.

2.       Вопросник с вариантами ответов.

3.       Приз (грамота для самой сообразительной команды).


1.       О.Н. Подгорская, Е.К Черничкина

«Предметные недели в школе. Английский язык».- Волгоград, 2004г.

2.       Е.В Грамушкина «Английский язык: Сценарии школьных праздников и постановок: Книга для учителя. »- М.: Изд-во «Первое сентября», 2004г.


План урока:

1.       Начальный этап:

1.1.              Организационный момент (4мин).

2.       Основной этап:

2.1.              Проведение игры (35мин).

3.       Заключительный этап:

3.1. Подведение итогов (5мин);

3.2. Прощание (1мин).


Ход мероприятия:

1. Начальный этап.

     Учитель: Good morning, children. I’m very glad to see you, today.

     Ученики: Hello, teacher. We are glad to see you too.

      Учитель: Today we are going to have a nice time, I hope. Today we are having a competition. First of all you should divide into two teams and choose a captain.

      Ученики делятся на две команды и выбирают капитана.

2.   Основной этап.

        Учитель: Very good! Today we'll try to find out who of you knows English better, thinks English better and loves English better. The best team will get a prize. Your work, knowledge and results will be estimated by our referee. Please greet them! The first task for you will be introducing of your team. Maximum point is 5. You are to tell the name of your team, your motto, and a few words representing yourselves.

     1 задание выполняют команды по очереди. Жюри выставляют оценки, а технический помощник вносит их в таблицу. Результаты появляются на экране проектора.

       Учитель: Well done! We've got so much pleasure. The next task for you is brainstorming. You will answer my questions in three laps. For every right answer you will get one point. But if your team doesn't know the right answer pupils from another team will have a chance to get a point. So, let's start!

1.       The first lap

·         Who is my brother's sister?

·         Who is my sister's mother?

·         Who is husband's mother?

·         Who is my husband's sister?

2.       The second lap

·         Who gave London its first name?

1.       the Egyptians

2.       the Greeks

3.       the Romans

·         Which is the only London's bridge that can be raised?

1.       Tower Bridge

2.       London Bridge

3.       Waterloo Bridge

·         Why will 2012 be a special year for London?

1.       it's the city 20th anniversary

2.       the city will be hosting the Olympic Games

3.       there will be eclipse of the sun

·         Who designed Saint Paul's Cathedral?

1.       Christopher Wren

2.       Bendgamine Hole

3.       Francis Drake

3. The third lap

·         What colour is the traditional London taxi?

1.       yellow

2.       black

3.       green

·         Which birds, according to legend, protect the tower of London?

1.       pigeons

2.       ravens

3.       swans

·         Where can you make a speech in Hyde Park?

1.       Poet's Corner

2.       Speaker's Corner

3.       Revolutionary Corner

·         Which is the most shopping street in London?

1.       Oxford Street

2.       Downing Street

3.       Baker Street

·         What is the London Eye?

1.       a telescope

2.       an observational wheel

3.       a newspaper

·         Where are the British kings and queens crowned?

1.       St Paul's Cathedral

2.       Westminster Abbey

3.       The House of Lords

·         Which bridge over the Thames was put down in 1917 and transported peace by peace to Arizona in the USA?

1.       London Bridge

2.       Tower Bridge

3.       Westminster Bridge

     Команды отвечают на вопросы и зарабатывают баллы.

     Учитель: How clever you are! We shall count your points and sum up your marks for two tasks. Have a look at the table! And now listen to the next task. You are to look at your tongue-twisters for 5 seconds and try to read them as clear and quickly as you can.

·         She saw Sheriff's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure she saw Sheriff's shoes on the sofa? (для первой команды)

·         If you can't can any candy can, how many candy cans can a candy canner can if he can can candy cans. (для второй команды)

     Учитель: Thanks to all of you! We liked the way you presented us your tongue-twisters. Our referee will count all your marks and summing them up you will find out your position on the table. The next tasks will be for our captains. We shall see how well you know countries which language we study. Every team gets its own task. All members of the team discuss it and help the captain. In two minutes captains will come to the blackboard and tell us all information on his or her question. For every right sentence you will get one point. So your tasks are:

·         Tell us about political system of Great Britain.

·         Tell us as much information about any outstanding British people as you can.

     Учитель: Thank you very much. You showed us how much you know about Britain. Our referee will count your points and we shall see your positions. Well, our today's last task will be reciting of your favourite poems which you have prepared beforehand. Any member of your team can recite your poems. Referee will value your knowledge of the context and the manner of reciting poems.

     Ученики читают собственные переводы известных английских стихотворений.

3. Заключительный этап.         

     Учитель: Thank you ever so much. We've got a great pleasure today. All of you are great, but the winner of today's competition is:   Our congratulations!!! But in spite of everything all of you are very clever children. So our lesson is over. Good- bye!

Категория: Для 5-11 классов | Добавил: Viktoriya_Sayapina (16.10.2012)
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